Mom’s Organic Market In College Park to Close Pinball Arcade

A popular pinball arcade in the back of Mom’s Organic Market in College Park will close in the coming weeks.

Mom’s founder Scott Nash said the arcade is closing because the strip mall’s owners have found a new tenant, an urgent care center.

The pinball machines and a handful of classic arcade games, which come from Nash’s personal collection, have attracted a crowd of regulars since the store opened in 2018 and were long a rainy-day favorite among parents who live along the Route 1 corridor.

Both groups appreciated the budget-friendly machines, which cost 25 or 50 cents, compared to the usual $1 at other arcades.

The collection includes classic games dating back decades as well as more recent ones tied to franchises like the Avengers and “Lord of the Rings.” (The newer games were popular with little kids because the computer chip inside will often grant a player who wasn’t doing well a few bonus balls.)

Nash told The Washington Post that he’s looking for a new space to house the collection.

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